Combat and Progression Vision

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Combat and Progression Vision

Post by dayrinni » Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:18 pm


Here is a brief post on how things are currently planned post level 100. These are subject to change with the usual disclaimers.

1. Attack Rating -> Hit Rates on NPCs. Our long term plan is to move away from this and essentially ensure everyone has a 100% hit rate to hit everyone else. There are several reasons for this. Namely, you invested a lot of time training your attack and dodge skills. By offering a lot of attack and defense boosters long term, it defeats this purpose of these initial skills. It also lowers the grind - since you don't need to keep grinding out only attack/dodge items AND damage mitigation items. Allow me to explain. Let's say to get to 100% hit rates on a NPC, you need to have Godly Weapon Skill for Attack Rating, High Attributes and Some Magical Items. After this initial investment, you'll be good to go.
We'll be moving to a damage mitigation/avoidance system.

Edit: 1.a. I forgot to mention that as you reach level 100, your power spikes pretty good and you can lay waste to monsters "fairly" easily and it isn't as "much of a struggle" like leveling up. This is intended and a way to show the player's mastery over the current situation on Ama'rane and Tralisia. The world is a fairly peaceful place with some exceptions. However, not on Ama'rane - it's a dangerous place. So you get your butt kicked for awhile and then can do some butt kicking. But don't worry, we'll always make sure there is a good challenge in the game (though, this is a fine line.).

2. Items and Evo System. You may notice there aren't any cool random equipment drops from monsters ala Diablo/PoE/GD/etc. This is because we are going to have an item upgrade system. You find 1 cool weapon/armor/shield and keep upgrading it (non-weapons/armor[accessories] may be upgradable or not]. So you can customize your appearance as you see fit, as well as your gear. I'm still working on the design of this system. It is very difficult and effects everything in the game. I plan to work on this design after we open and implement it then. One important part is making sure everything scales nicely, and this poses several problems. For example. most classes can use weapons, but not all such as Arcanists and Dragons. So we are going to create pseudo weapon slots for them that can essentially be stat sticks. ie: an Arcanist will equip a runelet.

In addition, we are going to have scaling areas such that you can go into them at higher/lower evos and get special items that are specific. Easy example: we release Evo 10, you discover there is a cool upgradable amulet added to Evo 5 area. You go there to get it. Or another non-upgradable ring in the Evo 10 area. So this system promotes long term health for the game - reuses areas in a meaningful way and overtime, lots of different things to do based on your builds. Lots of cool synergy with Master Specs and Group Composition here.

This system also allows for easier catch up for returning or newer players. IE: We are on Evo 10. We can make Evos 1-7 easier to get but 8-10 the usual amount.

3. Master Specs are still in the plan. This is really a 10+ year plan. Do not expect Master Specs to suddenly appear for all classes at the same time. It's going to be a gradual progress. However, what I am going to do is to make it so I can generate abilities quickly with generic descriptions. I've always said writing the combat and help flavor descriptions are the hardest part after design. So these will be more generic and I can spend less time doing it and thus make more abilities. Overtime, we can also take player submissions and replace the help flavor messages. The combat messages - most people run in brief mode. Of course, if we have helpers, we can make more abilities faster. I'd like most classes to have no less than 3 Master Specs (so 9 total slots). However, some classes may have more Master Specs such as Mages (many elemental combinations) and Blood Shamans (all the totems). I've also decided to have 1 to 2 Basic Spec Slots for each class such that you can still use 1 or 2 Basic Specs along with your new Master Specs.

4. LAS - Loric Age System. This system is in the preliminary design phase. Basically, its a very short blurb of lore you can initially discover in the game, and have some "nodes" to unlock via doing in-game stuff which will tell you more lore and at the end you get something cool. An example would be the ice Caves. You could unlock that LAS and discover how they were formed (player quest - pirates stole the ice scrolls and their ship sunk into the water). At the end you could get say +10 ice resistance or something. The main issue with is what rewards to give. Because many of these can be done by everyone, we need to make sure the rewards make sense for every class, ie: giving a Mage "Cold On Hit Attacks" sounds awesome but what if you're a Fighter? So we have lots to do there. This is after we open.

5. Dynamic Events. We are going to remove from the static Quests you see today and instead put in dynamic events that spawn based on certain conditions. If you've played GW2, it'll be something like that but better. This is after we open.

6. Trade Skills, Crafting, Sailing. This will come after we open.

* indicates a change requires an upload+copyover.

"You merely adopted the typos! I was born into them."