Object and mobile update: 01/21/2016

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Object and mobile update: 01/21/2016

Post by Actinate » Thu Jan 21, 2016 6:55 pm

UGH!!! I wrote a really long post that was deleted!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Anyways, as part of the game's redesign, I am removing some objects and mobiles from the game. When you next log on, you may see this message appear:


If you do not see this message, but you have an item with a short description that says "ITEM NAME: RESERVED // NOTES: No longer used. Report to Dayrinni or Actinate. REPLACEMENT ITEM: object VNUM 131" just get in touch with us and we will replace it.

Very few of you will actually see this. It's possible that NONE of you will see these messages. I'm not exactly sure how many of these items exist in the world at the moment, and I don't feel like scrolling through all the player files to locate them. Regardless, I suspect very few of them made it into the world, and if they did, it is unlikely that you actually have them).

I'm sure you have some questions, here are the bullet point answers.

o A lot of this game was built 10+ years ago. It also has seen its fair share of builders come and go. For this reason, some items and monsters were erroneously duplicated. These items and monsters offer nothing to the game. Most of them have been found and removed, but I have located a few others, and I tagged them to auto delete.
o Duplicated items may appear bugged, but they actually aren't. For example, Dobson does not accept object 172 as currency, but he does except object 131. This makes object 172 worthless.
o Some duplicate monsters are running on old mobprograms that were written when this game used ROM code. Dayrinni wrote his own MUD code (to replace the ROM code). After converting our old files to the new game, some things got a little wonky, specifically involving programs that no longer use ROM or its code syntax. For this reason, some creatures that you have NEVER seen are spawning and carrying around treasure that no longer makes sense (wells and doors and stuff).
o From the above example, these old monsters either spawn or do not, or spawn under specific conditions, or spawn in a manner we cannot actually track or locate without combing through files for something that may or may not be there. These guys are being removed, updated (treasure, stats, etc...), and will be added back in at a later date (TBD). The total count of mob removal for this is less than 5, and I can guarantee that no one has encountered them since the game reopened.

o Wooden coins are slowly being updated to include the new type 'coin.' Coin books are flagged to only carry something marked 'coin.' The green leather-bound coin book that nearly everyone has, will remain as is, but new wooden coins will not be flagged to fit it. Instead, the new coin book, offered by the new General Store, will carry all new and old coins going forward. If you have an old book and meet it's treasure hunt requirements, we will still honor the reward :)

So, TL;DR:
1. Some objects and mobiles that are inconsistent, duplicates, confusing, appear bugged, and offer nothing to the game are coming out.
2. You may get a message concerning one of the aforementioned items being removed from your inventory. I doubt you are carrying one, but we will replace it with the useful version.
3. Less than 5 mobs are being removed and retooled. No one has encountered one since the game reopened.
4. The old wooden coin book will no longer carry new wooden coins. The new wooden coin book will carry both new and old coins. We will still honor the treasure hunt offered by the old coin book, if you complete it.

See you all in game!
COFFEE TIME FOLKS! Gotta build the game!