Game Update: Opening and RP

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Game Update: Opening and RP

Post by dayrinni » Wed Sep 12, 2018 1:13 am


Here is a quick update on our current plan of action.

1. Actinate and I will finish the projects we have to do: City for Actinate and a small list of items for me (ie: Rogue quest in newbie docks, Fields of Sorrow, Dragon tweaks, etc).

2. We are currently investigating a way to have helpers join the game as we discovered some legal issues since we are a real company. We're talking with a lawyer and will present information when we have it.

3. After we have information from #2, we'll post it and approach those who have expressed interest in helping.

4. We'll be doing 1, 2 and 3 in parallel.

5. When we have all of these things completed, we shall open!

Regarding the opening date, we're still shooting for December sometime.

After we open, our focus will be 75% RP and 25% Game Updates/Bug Fixes/Idea Implementations/etc.
Right now, our focus is 99% Finish The Game and 1% RP.
(Since RP is low, I understand that not everyone logs in all the time - but rest assured, after we open, we'll be running RP much more often and the events won't really be scheduled - many impromptu RP interactions will be the focus. We also have many types of events planned: large, medium, small and personal)

* indicates a change requires an upload+copyover.

"You merely adopted the typos! I was born into them."