This is no longer active and is closed.
***To avoid plot spoilers, communication amongst RP helpers should not be shared with non-helpers.***
In order for this program to operate, Dayrinni and Actinate are bound to certain rules and regulations:
* RP Helpers are players and not owners.
* Everyone has an equal chance to join the helper program, if an open slot exists; we operate on a first come, first served basis.
* Because RP Helpers are players, they are bound to the same rules as players, and RP Helpers can be removed from the program for breaking the rules.
* Dayrinni and Actinate cannot assign dates/times you must be available; scheduling is up to you.
* Dayrinni and Actinate cannot assign roles to you or dictate what roleplay events you run, but approval is required under Role-play Rule 6 on the policy page.
6. Role-play Scenarios and Plots - All player created stories, events, plotlines, and adventure packets must be lore friendly.
6.01 - Personal player background and history does not need approval, unless it conflicts with the game's lore, current events, or (in)directly affects other players.
6.02 - Localized role-play with other players (telling stories, hunting, talking, investigating, character building, etc..) do not need approval by Dayrinni or Actinate.
6.03 - Any player created role-play, events, plotlines, or adventure packets not covered under 6.01 and 6.02 must be approved by Dayrinni or Actinate.
6.04 - Items, monsters, programs, quests, and rooms created by players require approval by Dayrinni or Actinate. Patreon items are exempt from this requirement.
6.05 - Patreon items, monsters, and rooms may be removed by Dayrinni or Actinate if they violate any rules.
6.06 – Behavior or actions that go against or are in conflict of established lore are subject to retconning or punishment.
* Available roles to choose from are limited to what ATS currently provides: player guide, peddler, merchant, quest runner, builder [rooms, items, quests, npcs, etc.].
* Dayrinni and Actinate can provide suggestions or requests, but RP Helpers are under no obligation to accept.
* Dayrinni and Actinate are under no obligation to approve anything that violates the game's rules or falls within the purview of Role-play Rule 6 on the policy page.
* You may leave the program at anytime.
* Dayrinni and Actinate may terminate the RP Helper program at anytime without any warning or explanation.
Though we operate on a first come, first served basis, there are some additional requirements that need to be met before a player is allowed access to the RP Helper program.
* A player must be level 100.
* A player must have played at least 3 months.
* A player must not be banned in ATS, ATS Discord, or the ATS forums.
* A player must not have infractions that resulted in the loss of chat channels or extended beyond warnings.
* To foster a positive environment where everyone has an equal opportunity to leave an impact on the world.
* Increase role-play.
* Build a deeper world with living and evolving lore.
* Help ATS thrive and grow.
* Everyone is expected to follow the rules.
* We are asking for you to help your peers succeed.
* If you suspect a problem or see abuse, please report it to Dayrinni and Actinate with a log and screenshot.
* Wide-spread problems and abuse will result in the program's termination.
* Communication is essential for Owners and RP Helpers to reduce confusion and keep everyone up-to-date on current events.
* Adventure Packets (Pending, Approved, and Completed) will be tracked in a Google Doc. Adventure Packets are where you submit ideas for approval and post the results.
* RP Helpers can communicate and ask questions through Discord.
* ATS forums are available for asking questions and submitting suggestions, but they are not ideal for posting logs.
Adventure Packets is the format we will be accepting and cataloguing event and quest suggestions.
* Adventure Packets are accessible via Google Docs.
* PENDING APPROVAL: ADVENTURE PACKETS is the first stop for requesting an event or quest. You are NOT required to run the event or quest you submit for approval.
* APPROVED: ADVENTURE PACKETS are Adventure Packets from PENDING APPROVAL: ADVENTURE PACKETS that are approved by Dayrinni or Actinate. If the original submitter of a packet did NOT mark themselves as someone that wants to run the quest, any RP Helper may run it.
* COMPLETED: ADVENTURE PACKETS are completed Adventure Packets from the APPROVED: ADVENTURE PACKETS doc. Logs are included here.
Actinate and Dayrinni are responsible for posting your events/quests to the calendar. Please submit dates and times to them.
From time-to-time you will want to run exclusive quests and events, or quests or events for specific groups. If you do, please consider the following guidelines:
* Hold these quests or events away from populated areas to reduce confusion and request for inclusivity.
* Consider including players that request to be included, but make sure to speak with them first, so they know their role and why the event or quest is exclusive.
* If you decide not to include a player in your event or quest, please explain to them why they are being excluded and make sure to remind them that other active quests or events are fully inclusive.
Please do not air grievances in Discord or in-game. If you have any problems or concerns with anyone, please contact Dayrinni or Actinate directly. Airing grievances publicly could be considered harassment under General Rules 5 on the policies page.
A waiting list where RP Helpers can add players waiting for quests or events is available on Google Docs. This will help ensure that we prevent people from being missed or falling through the cracks.
Please send all suggestions to improve the RP Helper program to Actinate at [email protected]
Oraari (Kaang): Dragon and Ethari RP Helper.
Phaedra (Umiak): RP Helper.
Abeona(Maeve/Domonvoi): Player Housing and RP Helper.
Wanroot(Kadraza): RP Helper.
Mourning(Trellene): RP Helper.
Harper(Nimirreju): RP Helper.
Ammil(Bramble): Secret RP Helper.
Casera(Rue): RP Helper.
*inactive* Role Play Helper Program
*inactive* Role Play Helper Program
* indicates a change requires an upload+copyover.

"You merely adopted the typos! I was born into them."

"You merely adopted the typos! I was born into them."
Re: Role Play Helper Program
The helper system has been closed and is no longer active.
* indicates a change requires an upload+copyover.

"You merely adopted the typos! I was born into them."

"You merely adopted the typos! I was born into them."