Constructor Character Program - Pilot

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Constructor Character Program - Pilot

Post by dayrinni » Thu Sep 23, 2021 8:07 pm


We are piloting a new Constructor Character program for A Tempest Season.


Constructor Characters assist in the background constructing the world. Constructors are traditionally called Builders- they create areas, rooms, items, npcs, etc. They do no RP and will not actively interact with other players via RP and cannot directly benefit their own characters or any other character. Additionally, the Constructor Characters will be newly created and not an existing one.

In order for this program to operate, Dayrinni and Actinate are bound to certain rules and regulations:

* Constructor Characters are players and not owners.
* Everyone has an equal chance to join the Constructor Character program, if an open slot exists; we operate on a first come, first served basis.
* Because Constructor Characters are players, they are bound to the same rules as players, and Constructor Characters can be removed from the program for breaking the rules.
* Dayrinni and Actinate cannot assign dates/times you must be available; scheduling is up to you.
* Dayrinni and Actinate cannot assign roles to you or dictate what you construct, but approval is required under Role-play Rule 6 on the policy page.
* Dayrinni and Actinate can provide suggestions or requests, but Constructor Characters are under no obligation to accept.
* Dayrinni and Actinate are under no obligation to approve anything that violates the game's rules or falls within the purview of Role-play Rule 6 on the policy page.
* You may leave the program at anytime.
* Dayrinni and Actinate may terminate the Constructor Character program at anytime without any warning or explanation.

The requirements to become a Constructor Character is simple:
You must pledge on Patreon ( to an available slot in Tier 4 ($7).
Anyone can join if there is a slot free. If there is no slot, then you cannot become a Constructor Character, but if one exists, then you may have a Constructor Character for as long as you pledge.

The first slot is being used to pilot the program. If it goes well, more slots will open up.

When more slots are planned, an announcement will be made beforehand to allow for planning on interested parties.

When a slot is opened, it will be announced and it is First Come First Serve according to the listed tiers on the Patreon page.

* To foster a positive environment where everyone has an equal opportunity to leave an impact on the world.
* Increase role-play through increased world building.
* Build a deeper world with living and evolving lore.
* Help ATS thrive and grow.

* Everyone is expected to follow the rules.
* We are asking for you to help your peers succeed.
* If you suspect a problem or see abuse, please report it to Dayrinni and Actinate with a log and screenshot.
* Wide-spread problems and abuse will result in the program's termination.
* Anything a Constructor Character creates must be approved manually by Dayrinni or Actinate, otherwise, the item is LOCKED.

Please send all suggestions to improve the Constructor Character program to dayrinni at
[email protected]

Thank you for your time and if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us.
Dayrinni and Actinate
* indicates a change requires an upload+copyover.

"You merely adopted the typos! I was born into them."