Game Update: Balancing - December 2021

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Game Update: Balancing - December 2021

Post by dayrinni » Thu Dec 16, 2021 9:48 pm


A brief update related to the changes Actinate has been working on. I write to this on behalf of him for he has been sick since end of October.

Actinate let me know he is ready to start pushing some of the balance updates to the live game. Now, since we are doing this in many small pieces, things may be...."out of wack" for awhile. Just go with it folks! You know when you are going down a slide and a giant t-rex appears out of NO WHERE and eats the person next to you? Yeah - you can't do much except keep going down the slide!!

Humor aside - we are focusing on a few initial bits related to melee weapon attacks and the NPC dynamics. This is just the start in the series of updates which will roll out over 2022. We are trying to simplify the game so expect to see some "back end" work related to the damage equations being tweaked, attacks changing, attribute bonuses make more sense and so on.

The up coming changes are:

1. Melee Weapon attacks (specifically: low/medium/high, such as slash/slice/cleave): They are being changed. All attacks will be 4 seconds. Slash will do the same damage as slice now. Slash will lower risk like today. Slice will restore stamina in the near future, however right now it will get a +5 attack rating bonus like slash has. Cleave will remove the -2 attack rating modifier and be faster (it'll do double damage than slash and slice). The idea is to give viable options to different classes/builds/etc. For example, if a character needs more defense generally - use slash without taking the damage hit. Or if you have a stamina heavy class (like wizards), use slice. If you're a class that likes being in high risk - use cleave more often (some classes are getting adjusted to work this way, such as brawlers).

Special weapon attacks, like eradicate and so on, will be adjusted later.

2. Mobs and their difficulty. Part of the balancing has always been to update the way quad and group monsters work. We now bring those details! Quad and group monsters will be toned down in damage and have likely have lower HP. You will be able to solo them now. Their treasure rates will not be changed, so if a mob drops 12 items, you will get 12 items.

The question is - how long will it take when compared to grouping with others. The end goal, after balancing is completed, will be a simple x factor. ie: if a quad monster takes 1 minute for 4 people to kill, if you try to solo it, it'll take 4 minutes(x4). We realize we are a long ways away from this and it requires the classes to be adjusted accordingly. Nonetheless, we will make the changes now and let folks play and generally enjoy the OP nature that exists.

Thank you for your patience!
Day and Act
Act and Day
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