Hi folks,
Actinate and I wanted to give you an update on the class balancing. Right now, we are working on adjusting all of the damage abilities classes have to be from a hard-coded number-specific implementation to be based on a Tier system.
What are Damage Tiers?
There are 8 Tiers: 0 to 7 and each reflects a base amount of damage, which scales from level 1 up to 100. These tiers can be dynamically changed globally in the game. This allows us to balance the entire game very easily and focus more on classes composition of tiers instead of specific numbers on a subset of abilities.
For example, Tier 1 may do 500 damage at level 100, while Tier 2 may do 750 damage at level 100. We can easily adjust this to be 50 damage for Tier 1 at level 100 and Tier 2 to be 75 damage at level 100.
What else impacts my damage?
Additionally, every single class is receiving the following modifiers to abilities:
This means that there were some abilities that just did flat damage with no attribute or weapon modifiers. There were still other abilities that only did weapon modifiers but not attribute, and so on. This will be more consistent across all of the classes. You can see this as a net buff.
Classes who previously didn’t have the standard weapons (Mages, Ethari, Arcanists, Dragons) will be getting weapons in some form.
What about NPCs?
NPCs currently at not adjusted yet. Right now, we are setting the Damage Tiers to be close to the current ability damage and NPC capabilities. So you shouldn’t see too much change and in some cases a big buff – especially if weapon and attribute modifiers were not previously taken into consideration. We will adjust them afterwards in the future. Expect things to change!
What about the future?
This is to set expectations:
DO NOT FOCUS ON DAMAGE NUMBERS!! Focus on Time To Kill (TTK). The numbers are irrelevant. We have a vision where players take between 15-30 seconds to kill a standard mob. This is generally around 1-4 hits. Of course, there are variations in all the classes, gear setups, and so on. Also for Dragons – an Adult clearly is stronger than a Whelp. But rest assured, you will always have progression and feel strong.
We aren’t there yet.
So please reset your expectations on the numbers and think about TTK.
If you have any questions – please reach out!
Thank you!
Day and Act
Act and Day
Damage Tier System Update
Damage Tier System Update
* indicates a change requires an upload+copyover.

"You merely adopted the typos! I was born into them."

"You merely adopted the typos! I was born into them."