Item Skin System

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Item Skin System

Post by dayrinni » Wed Nov 06, 2024 8:20 pm


Today, we release the Item Skin System to testing for the Pateron Early Access Members.

This system allows you to collect item skins on your characters and then apply them to your items. For example, if you liked the 'some gleaming black Vanyelarian titanium war plate' but had frost-metal armor, then you couldn't wear this cosmetic. Now you can! You could locate a skin for the titanium war plate and skin it onto your frost-metal armor to make it a 'some gleaming black Vanyelarian frost-metal war plate'! The description of the skinned item changes as well.

Item Skinning is straight forward and uses the Skin command. It is free to use the command. There will be skins put into the shops soon (there are bulk creation commands for Act and I to use to easily create numerous skins from items which already exist today). Most skins will be low cost - 500 gold. Skins have unlimited use and can be changed whenever you desire it - there is no cool down.

Items which are skinned will have a (Reskinned-<material>) prefix so that everyone knows it's a reskinned item. We opted for this approach because of concerns of some players (eg: newbies) becoming easily confused with one item is something it isn't (eg: skinning a wooden sword a frost-metal skin and selling it for a huge markup). Inspecting items will also show the base item short description so it's clear which item it actually is.

This change required some updates to the way items are processed in the game so it will undergo testing for awhile to work out any issues.

Day and Act
Act and Day
* indicates a change requires an upload+copyover.

"You merely adopted the typos! I was born into them."